Monthly Support

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* A1- Service: Updates, Update installation, Telephone
assistance, Basic support overhead.

Monthly billing will be done on the 3rd Saturday of each month.
The rate schedule will be effective July 1 1994.

Contract On Call . . . . . $160.00/mo. (4 Hours service)
Contract customers . . . . . . . . . $80/hour
Non-Contract customers . . . . . . . $160/hour
Non-Contract hourly rate with half hour minimum each call.

Initial On call contract fees are 1st & last month advanced billing.
Cancellation of contract by either party with 30 day written notice.

Program updates are covered under the monthly contract of each vendor.
The cost of the updates for customers who are not under
contract will be dependant on the software used.

ALL invoices are net 10. Unpaid invoices will be charged
interest at a rate of 18%/yr beginning 20 days after invoice
date through the date payment is received with a minimum finance charge of $2.50.
A late payment fee of $15.00 for any bill that has no payment received
within 22 days of the last billing date. This charge is NON-reversible.

You may Email your requests to:

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-- Last modified on Sunday July 25 2011 --